The old market of Ghardaia

The market square is situated in the southwestern suburb of the royal residence, and it is designated "Azgar Oghram" which means outside the castle, and it was recently frequented by business convoys that originated from far off to gracefully a few items. This square is viewed as the most significant and most dynamic market in the locale, and it was built up in 1884AD. 

The old market of Ghardaia

Its shape is near a square shape and its zone is around 3400 square meters. It is encircled on all sides by passages with curves of different sizes and shapes, where shops and business stores are opened inside. 

The boulevards prompting the square and close to them possess different business and monetary capacities. Previously, every sort of business action is packed in a particular region, where we discover Al-Khader Street, Al-Bakallin Street, Al-Khayateen Street, ... and so forth. While the market square is committed to selling materials and items produced using outside the area, for example, salt, flavors, wheat, fleece, domesticated animals, ... and so on. 

The old market of Ghardaia

The market square earlier incorporates a "petition lobby", which is a space assigned for supplication, worked inverse toward the west side and somewhat higher than at ground level. In the northwestern side is the "al-Hawita", which are stones embedded in the ground in a crescent line with a span of around five meters. These stones recently spoke to seats for individuals from the "gathering," which is the board of royal residence notables, where they sit and counsel about network conditions and castle issues. 

The market square has, just because since its foundation, been reestablished and restored in 1997, which reestablished the thought of this recorded milestone (a position of social occasion and trade). 

This cycle addressed all the segments of the court from exterior treatment and cladding, designing remedies, support of dividers and bars, reclamation of debased parts and floor clearing. The principle goal of this cycle was to update and reestablish the neighborhood structural legacy

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