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Healthcare for patients with high blood pressure

We all have "blood pressure". It simply refers to the way blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps. How...

Diabetes health care: 10 ways to avoid complications

Diabetes health care is a lifelong responsibility. Consider 10 strategies to avoid diabetes complications Diabetes is a serious disease . Ad...

The forgotten city in the depths of the Algerian desert

Beneficiaries and educated  The forgotten city in the depths of the Algerian desert   They call it: (The Gate of the Jinn, and the Eighth ...

Ahleil.. Berber heritage in the heart of the Algerian desert

Definition by label:  This type of singing was prevalent in the Tamimoun region and its environs since ancient times, and was known before...


Known * Al-Ghout * in the Wadi Souf region located in the southeast of Algeria, which is an abyssal depression between sand dunes, with a d...