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How to Maintain a Healthy Diet

The half-century mark is a time when many people start to think about their health and making changes to improve their longevity. A health...

How to Make Nice Cream in 5 Easy Steps

Nice cream is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional ice cream. Made with just frozen fruit, milk or cream, and sweetener, it&#3...

How to Replace Mayo with Hummus

useful-beneficial:How to Replace Mayo with Hummus If you're looking for a healthier, easier to make, and more versatile condiment, loo...

Why should we eat healthy food instead of junk food?

One way to save money and eat healthy is to cook at home more often. Planning ahead by making a grocery list and menu for the week can help ...

Do you feel weak and tired, here are the reasons and solutions

If you're struggling with fatigue, you're not alone. In fact, fatigue is one of the most common complaints doctors hear from their p...

Learn about mental and behavioural health

There are a few things you can do to make sure you're in the best possible state to deal with your mental and behavioural health. First,...

Eating disorders: things that put you at risk!

There are many things that can put you at risk for developing an eating disorder. Some of these include: having a history of dieting or diso...